This past weekend I had two reunions and had the opportunity to have dinner with my son. One reunion was with old co-workers from over 20 years ago which are like family, which of course we are all friends now. I Haven’t seen them in over 2 years.

The other was my Aunt’s 90th birthday celebration! The family came from all over the country, specifically her sons which I haven’t seen in over 40 years!  It was suggested at the gathering for each of us to share something, a memory or how special she means to you and how has she impacted your life. When it was my turn, I shared how important family is and how she made family gatherings very special from my childhood memories.

Then the Holy Spirit brought to my mind, how important it is to spend time with God the Father. In a family, it is important to spend time with each other. Well, God, the Father wants the same from you and me. He just doesn’t want us to come to him whenever we need something. He wants you to commune with Him.  He is your heavenly Father.  So why don’t we? Yes, the busyness of our days, work, family and our homes. We all know how crazy busy life can get.  But, doesn’t He deserve our best?  He did sacrifice His only son for us to bring us back into His family.

So think about how much time you do spend just being in God’s presence. Make a decision to change and spend more quality time with Him.

When I do, His presence and love is so tangible you can’t help from tearing up. Guaranteed, it will make Him smile!