I came across a person who was having a hard time, a trial or tribulation as the Bible would say. They were at the end of their rope, tears flowing of despair. What does one say to someone to lift them up? I thought of Proverbs 15:23.

A word of compassion could help soften the blow that was thrown at their heart. So I said a few words, hoping that what I had said helped. Not really thinking too much more about it, several days later that person shared with me that the words I had said were very near and dear to their heart. Something from their past that had a huge impact and touched their heart.

The Holy Spirit led me and gave me a word of knowledge to share with her, something that I would have no idea the impact it made to them and made them feel better. Sometimes we have no idea how much the Holy Spirit leads us to help others with just a simple word that could heal someones heart. So don’t think your words won’t make an impact in someone else’s life.